Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Earthquake on Haiti causing tsunami????

Earthquake on Haiti causing tsunami???? on Hot Topics -- It's caused extensive destroy & panic with the expected number of casualties to be potentially high.

An earthquake hit 10 miles southwest of the highly populated capital of Port-au-Prince, in Haiti.

There's also been five aftershocks measuring 5.5 & 5.9 magnitude, which followed after the initial shake within an hour. & according to David Wald, a seismologist more are to be expected.

There were also news reports that a giant hospital in the capital city has also collapsed, while also people left screaming in the streets full of rubble & destroy.

Mr Wald said, “The main issue here will probably be shaking.” “And this is an area that is vulnerable in terms of construction practice, & with a highly population density. There could be a high number of casualties.”

A Director of the Haitian Americans United for Progress in Queens, NY, Elsie St. Louis-Accilien, said that he's been able to reach the director of the Ofatma hospital, in Port-au-Prince.

Ms. St. Louis-Accelien said in a phone interview, “They are trapped inside,” “They were shaken, but they were relieved to be alive.”

He also spoke saying the director was saying there was “a lot of smoke, a lot of dust,” also that her phone had people calling non-stop. “People are calling me, chosen officials are calling, asking what they can do.”

Only since 2008, it's been hit by two severe hurricanes, Ike, Hanna & Gustav, which have killed a total of 800 people & left destroy of a billion dollars. This along with food riots, health crises & the near constant government instability & upheavals, have all taken their toll on the island.

Known as four if the poorest countries in the Western hemisphere, Haiti, has also been inundated with natural disasters, in recent history. In 2004, Haiti was hit by powerful Hurricane Jeanne, which killed 3,000 people & caused brilliant destruction. It is vulnerable to storm related disasters, due to it’s forests being chopped down to be used for fuel, leaving it with tiny protective cover.

According to Delores Clark, a spokeswoman from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, the scientists were quickly conducting water level measurements & other analyses to decide if the shake has set off a tsunami in other neighbouring parts of the Caribbean.

Although there was tiny information about the extent of the destroy it is likely to be “catastrophic,” according to Raymond Joseph, in an interview to CNN, who is Haiti’s ambassador to the United States.

According to the National Geographic the city has around 2 million people.

It's been 250 years since a shake of that magnitude has hit the region, according to Mr Wald, the last most powerful to hit was a 6.7 magnitude in 1984.

Tags: haiti earthquake, haiti, haiti earthquakes, haiti news today, port au prince haiti, haiti, haiti news, haiti earthquakes, earthquake, haiti earthquake pictures

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