Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Surgery of Stafon Johnson on Hot Topics

Surgery of Stafon Johnson on Hot Topics -- USC animate ashamed Stafon Johnson underwent added than six hours of throat anaplasty Monday afterwards he was afflicted in a weight-room draft on campus.

Johnson, a senior, was still in anaplasty at California Hospital Medical Center as of 9 p.m., the academy said. Johnson was in "critical but stable" condition, a hospital advocate said at 7:20 p.m.

He was brash for crushing injuries to his abutting as able as acid injuries to his larynx, said the hospital's affliction medical director, Dr. Gudata Hinika.

It's cool Johnson will be able to play again this season, but his casting is adequate and doctors apprehend him to accomplish a abounding recovery, Hinika said in a annual arise by the hospital.

"It hit him with a lot of force, and it aching him," drillmaster Pete Carroll said afterwards the Trojans' brusque breeding Monday night but afore the anaplasty was finished. "No broken basal as far as I understand, but he's got some blow in there somewhere, and they're animate it out, aggravating to bulk out what it is. ... It is serious. He did get hurt, so we don't apperceive actually what it is, and they're not traveling to apperceive until they go through the surgery."

Carroll said Johnson's abutting had been counterbalanced with a brace afore he was transported by barrow to an ambulance.

"This is a guy who's been an basal allocation of our diplomacy for years," Carroll said. "Everybody loves Stafon. . . . When you're as affiliated as we are, we feel every bit of this. . . . We all feel a bit damaged today and injured. . . . It's a bad deal."

Surgery began about 2 p.m., according to ancestors associate John Eatman, a aloft top academy abettor of Johnson's.

Eatman was a allocation of about a dozen accompany and ancestors assembly accumulated at the hospital Monday evening.

"Right now we don't apperceive anything," Eatman said alfresco the hospital. "We're just avaricious he's all right."

Johnson's mother, Kim Mallory, was at the hospital but below to abuse through a ancestors spokesperson.

Another anterior abutting to the family, who asked that they not be articular because they were not acclimatized to adduce on their behalf, said surgeons had planned to realign Johnson's larynx and they were hopeful that he would accomplish his voice.

Carroll said incidents such as Monday's were rare.

"With all of accoutrements of reps that guys take, for the a lot of part, guys don't get injured," Carroll said. "Unfortunately, this one happened today."

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