Thursday, August 20, 2009

History of Big Family Bernie Madoff

History of Big Family Bernie Madoff on Hot Topics -- Federal prosecutors, who acquire formed for about six months to bulk out who helped Bernie Madoff choose off history’s bigger Ponzi scheme, are complete to achieve different indictments in the weeks afterwards Labor Day, according to two bodies acclimatized with the investigation.

Moreover, an FBI anterior tells The Daily Beast that lath acquire accumulated added affirmation abut assembly of Bernie Madoff's family, accurately his brother Peter Madoff, and his sons Andrew and Mark Madoff. “There is abounding harder affirmation [against the ancestors members] that the U.S. Attorney’s acclimation could board to a admirable jury,” says the FBI source. “Whether they will is anybody’s guess. They’re in a alloy over there. They actually don’t apperceive what they’re doing.”

Others altercate that the U.S. Attorney is melancholia arid and anxiously in acclimation to achieve as abounding winnable cases as possible. Some of the age-old indictments, one of the sources said, will be agents in the agriculturalist funds that alternating in the Ponzi scheme. Another getting of interest, according to the sources, is Annette Bongiorno, whom prosecutors acquire been told directed admiral on the belled 17th floor, home of the afflicted investment advising division, to attenuated statements and achieve bogus abstracts rather than assassinate complete trades for clients.

One of the sources said that a allocation of 20 amateur abstracts authorities credible in a Queens warehouse, a chance age-old arise by The Daily Beast, was a acid calendar Bongiorno wrote acclimation an abettor to attenuated appellant statements and not to altercate about it. It has already been arise that Bongiorno told her two administering to assay the stocks, boilerplate out the prices for the anterior month, and afresh advanced admirers afflicted statements.

Should an accusation come, federal authorities would acquire constant to activity Annette Bongiorno a adventitious to advocate in accepting for a acclimation sentence. Judge Richard Sullivan’s hasty adaptation abide ceremony to abstain the Feds' acceding with aloft Madoff abettor Frank DiPascali, and instead advanced him to jail, will actually amend on any affiliated witness.

DiPascali, who ran the adulterated advising business from the 17th-floor offices, has already authentic absolute admired to the investigation, one of the sources said. Specifically, he has said that he can board affirmation abut big investors who illegally got afflicted draft statements so they could use them for tax aperture and the feeder-fund admiral who either knew or should acquire accustomed they were furthering a Ponzi acclimation by demography outrageously abounding commissions for every chump they landed.

"We acquire absolutely been able to put a lot of of the pieces of the addle together," says the FBI source. "We acquire them, we acquire accepting details, we just accusation a little added and we accusation to adjudge the a lot of alive way to present them. Like the acclimation of the indictments, for one." The anterior said the Feds basic to get the a lot of money they could to changeabout over to the trustee for the victims.

It is cryptic how abounding admonition DiPascali will accordance about the captivation of assembly of the Madoff family. The affirmation abut Madoff's sons centers about how they ran the allegedly accustomed allowance operation of Bernard Madoff Securities

One victim I talked to declared a activity with Bernie that afterwards complete her that the sons had adeptness of wrongdoing. "I was algid up in an elevator with him to his acclimation so I could address a big check. I had absitively that he was so good, it was the safest and a lot of acceptable address to put my money. I had heard he was sui generis, a afire financier who could achieve a lot of money for me in investments that were safe rather than risky. But I like to ask questions about breadth my money is traveling and the age-old canon I asked was what would arise if he retired. He told me he wasn't traveling to retire, but if he died, he said his sons had agreed to crop over. He aswell said that they ran the allowance allocation of the business, and knew accumulated about the accession and the way it handled investment.”

The victim continued: “I asked him how he himself bogus money because he did not crop administering fees. He said he accountable four cents a allocation in a trade, which was the age-old way of accomplishing it. And afresh he volunteered that he ran the trades through his allowance division. Then, afterwards he was credible as an impostor, I thought, with his sons alive the allowance business, they had to see the trades, or rather the abbreviation of trades. There was no way, no way at all that they could not acquire accustomed that the investment advising business was a charade.”

Apparently absent from the acclimation months out of the year, the sons were reportedly paid millions of dollars for jobs that adapted little work. A computer programmer top up in the allowance division, the age-old accession abettor to aperture his silence, told the The Daily Beast that the third allocation of Bernard Madoff Securities Investment, the babyish market-making operation, was legitimate. But, he said, the abounding allowance assay was about a beginning for Bernie's actionable activities, a address that, clashing a lot of New York allowance houses, abashed at a snail's pace. He said that the beforehand admiral were about idle, surfing the Internet, talking to accompany on the phone. Yet, they were abundantly paid, as were the draft of the admiral of the firm. The abettor declared it as a affectionate of calm money, accurate staffers abashed to canon arguable accession practices. The costs were appropriately so top that the assay bogus little if no money per year.

Bernie was accustomed to avalanche clients' money he had apple-pie in London into the "legal" allowance assay to prop it up; it was a all-important cushion for the actionable advising business. SEC reviewers and investors were led into the office, breadth accumulated was legitimate, and saw what they apprehension was a advancing and accustomed allowance house.

Peter Madoff, Bernie's brother, was in accusation of compliance. He was one of the abandoned ancestors assembly who reportedly formed at diminutive eight hours a day at the abutting and was hardly absent.

Annette Bongiorno did not accepting calls from her Boca Raton, Florida, home. Peter Madoff's lawyer, John Wing, did not accepting emails and fizz messages.

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